Business Software for Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises

    Reach Your Goals Efficiently

    What is it that makes SMEs that successful? It's their ability to quickly adapt to changes in the market and surrounding conditions. This gives them an edge over competition.

    To achieve this, they need to continuously transform their business processes and organization to keep pace with the increasingly rapid development in the market. Business software plays a major role in this.


    1992 Founded
    > 9,700
    Customers worldwide
    > 290
    > 2,200
    52 Offices

    proALPHA ERP – A Mid-Sized Partner for Mid-Sized Enterprises

    We are at your side from the beginning! proALPHA is a German provider of business software. As we, too, are a mid-sized company, this makes us the perfect partner for you!


    We Are Just Like You

    We know our way around mid-sized companies, because we're one of them – just like most of our 9.700 customers..


    We Understand You

    We know the challenges SMEs are facing, because we are facing them everyday, too. At our company and at our customers' companies.


    We Are Experienced

    We are deeply familiar with the processes of SMEs. After all, they are our processes, too.


    We Are the Right Match for You

    We are about your size. We communicate with you on the same level.

    Our Solutions Are Far Beyond the ERP System!

    The proALPHA Group is continuously growing and adding more and more competencies to its portfolio.

    All solutions can be seamlessly integrated into proALPHA ERP to unleash their full potential.

    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

    The ERP system for SMEs – one solution for all your processes

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    Advanced Analytics

    There are many ways to establish a data strategy – we'll find the right one for you

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    Planning Excellence

    Solutions for company management

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    Energy Management

    Optimize energy use - with the solution from ENIT

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    eProcurement and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)

    Successful purchasing - with eProcurement and SRM from the cloud

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    Production Management (MES)

    Identify the optimization potential in your production!

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    Quality Management (CAQ)

    Customized process and product reliability embedded in your working environment

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    Human Resource Management and Time Management

    Reliable labor reporting and flexible staff scheduling

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    Access Management

    Security: Directly integrate access management

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    ERP System: Backbone of the Digital Transformation

    It is our aim to make the whole company more productive with ERP solution for SMEs by proALPHA.

    • All business processes become digital without any interruption: from production to financial accounting, from purchasing to service
    • Consistent data flow within the company and beyond; with partners and customers; between systems
    • Optimized and automated processes reduce administrative work and processing times, and increase the quality of processes
    • Benefit from more effective company control: a seamless, transparent flow of information ensures efficient processes

    The business software by proALPHA is an industry-specific, hands-on solution for SMEs that grows with your requirements.

    Industry-Specific ERP Solution for SMEs

    The proALPHA business software focuses on small and mid-sized enterprises in the manufacturing, trading and service industry. To optimally handle the specifics of each industry, we offer ERP modules that are tailored exactly to the respective requirements. Benefit from our valuable know-how of the industry as these modules also include best practices. This saves time in the implementation that can be better used for other matters.

    Automotive Suppliers

    ERP system for automotive – intelligent industry solution for successful suppliers

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    Electronics and High Tech

    ERP for electronics and high tech – one step ahead

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    Vehicle Construction

    ERP for Vehicle Construction - Versatile, profitable and on-time construction of utility and special vehicles

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    ERP for wholesale – fast-paced and transparent merchandise management

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    Plastics Industry

    ERP for the plastics industry – everything from a single source

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    Mechanical and Plant Engineering

    ERP for mechanical and plant engineering – effective management of multiple projects

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    Medical Technology

    ERP for medical technology – agile processes for international growth

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    Metal Processing

    ERP for the metal industry – precision meets profitability

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    Furniture and Store Construction

    ERP for furniture and store construction – enhanced competitiveness thanks to digital processes

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    Let proALPHA Mobilize You

    No matter where and when: discover the benefits of mobile working with any device

    More and more SMEs are equipping their people with mobile devices. And their success proves them right: employees, line managers and managing directors benefit from accelerated processes and an increased transparency, be it in Logistics, Production, Sales, Service, or other divisions. Your international subsidiaries will benefit from this, too. Mobilize your business processes now! Here you can learn how it's done and how you will benefit from it.

    proALPHA in Practice

    How well is proALPHA ERP doing in practice? No one knows this better than the companies working with proALPHA every day.
    Have a look at our user reports from various industries.

    Insights into the User Reports of our Customers     More references


    Callback service

    Do you have any questions? Then simply call us at +1 603 402 3877

    Or request a callback using the form.