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proALPHA Introduces Release 9.4 with New Functions proALPHA Home and proALPHA IAM

Reading Time: 8 Minutes 10.06.2024 Currents & Trends

  • proALPHA Home unleashes the full potential of the proALPHA ERP+ world as an integrated communication hub
  • proALPHA IAM enables powerful identity and access management featuring single sign-on
  • Connection of CRM by GEDYS IntraWare to proALPHA ERP
  • Low-code/no-code functionalities facilitate configuration
  • proALPHA Connected AI for optimized inventory management

The proALPHA Group, one of the leading providers of ERP+ software solutions for SMEs, presents two new, powerful functionalities with the release of the new version 9.4 of its flagship product: proALPHA Home and proALPHA IAM. proALPHA Home is the gateway to the ERP+ world of proALPHA and its group solutions as a "Single Point of Entry". ERP+ comprises all solutions of the proALPHA group companies and strategic acquisitions beyond the ERP core applications, such as Human Capital Management (HCM), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) or Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Customizable data and link tiles provide access to applications in the proALPHA universe from a central location and capture relevant information for display in real time. With intelligent and AI-driven data analysis and problem-solving approaches, companies address pressing business challenges and optimize their processes and workflows thanks to the deep integration with the ERP system. proALPHA IAM is a centrally controlled identity and access management (IAM) service that enables companies to manage access, users, and products operated in the cloud, as well as setting up multi-factor authentication (MFA) for access to the applications, including proALPHA Home.
With the in-house CRM system by GEDYS IntraWare integrated into proALPHA ERP, master data are now synchronized across systems, enabling a 360° view of all customers and the display of ERP data in the CRM system by means of the integration widget. The new low-code/no-code functionalities allow super users without extensive technical skills to easily adjust the configuration and thus avoid customizations and set up important secondary processes for departments. With proALPHA Connected AI integrated as an ERP standard module, central warehouse KPIs can be optimized by means of artificial intelligence. This avoids bottlenecks in material procurement, excessively high stock, and inefficient prioritization of materials.

proALPHA Home ist die cloudbasierte proALPHA Kommunikationszentrale, die als Landingpage für das gesamte cloud- und on-premises Software-Portfolio der Gruppe agiert. Der SaaS-Service ermöglicht eine effiziente Verwaltung und Gestaltung rollenspezifischer Dashboards, etwa die Erstellung neuer, rollenspezifischer Gruppen sowie eine präzise Zuordnung von Inhalten (Kacheln) zu diesen. Darüber hinaus können mit proALPHA Home kundenspezifische Kacheln für den Zugang zu Applikationen (Application Tiles) erstellt werden, um individuelle Kundenanforderungen optimal abzubilden. Zum Release-Zeitpunkt stehen folgende sechs Rollen und die entsprechenden Dashboards zur Verfügung: Produktionsleiter, Werker, Kaufmännischer Leiter, Einkaufsleiter, Einkäufer und Administrator. Absprungpunkte – sogenannte Deep Links – in das ERP+ Lösungsportfolio ermöglichen zudem die Ansteuerung von Datenobjekten in der ERP+ Welt aus proALPHA Home heraus. 

proALPHA Home is the cloud-based proALPHA communication hub that serves as the landing page for the entire cloud and on-premises software portfolio of the Group. The SaaS service enables the efficient administration and design of role-specific dashboards, such as the creation of new, role-based groups and the precise assignment of contents (tiles). In addition, proALPHA Home can be used to create customer-specific tiles for access to applications (application tiles) in order to optimally map individual customer requirements. At the time of release, the following six roles and corresponding dashboards are available: Head of Production, Worker, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Procurement, Procurement Manager, and Administrator. So-called deep links to the ERP+ solution portfolio also enable access to data objects in the ERP+ world from within proALPHA Home. 

Application-specific deep links serve as the gateway to predefined use cases within various applications of the proALPHA ERP+ world. They can take users directly to the resource Gantt in proALPHA ERP, time tracking in tisoware or the GenAI-based Empolis Buddy. As it is possible to map use cases and define specific threshold values, critical operational information becomes immediately available. This ultimately allows for an early resolution of errors and irregularities in relevant business processes, supported by automated notifications and alerts.

Clearly structured user interface with corporate design

proALPHA Home bietet darüber hinaus eine flexible Gestaltung für eine nahtlose Integration verschiedener Anwendungen und Portale wie My proALPHA, Academy oder proALPHA docs innerhalb der proALPHA Home-Oberfläche. Aufgrund der Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten des Designs in proALPHA Home ist eine maßgeschneiderte Anpassung an die Corporate Identity von Unternehmen möglich.

Die Highlights von proALPHA Home:

  • State-of-the-Art UI-Design zur Verbesserung der Usability
  • Schnellerer Zugang zu Informationen und Applikationen durch Integration von ERP+ Daten und Links
  • Neue Web-Applikation als Software-as-a-Service vereinfacht Zugriff und Skalierbarkeit und ist zudem release-unabhängiger
  • Kontinuierlicher Zufluss von Inhalten aus der ERP+ Welt führt zu schnellerem Zugriff auf neue Produktbestandteile

proALPHA Home offers flexible mechanisms for a seamless integration of various applications and portals like My proALPHA, Academy or proALPHA Docs within proALPHA Home. Since it is possible to configure the design in proALPHA Home, the appearance can be changed to align with the respective customer's corporate identity.

The highlights of proALPHA Home:

  • State-of-the-art UI design to enhance usability
  • Quicker access to information and applications thanks to the integration of ERP+ data and links
  • New web application as software-as-a-service facilitates access and scalability while being release-independent
  • Continuous inflow of content from the ERP+ world enables faster access to new product components

 Central and secure management of users and access rights with proALPHA IAM

The new identity and access management (IAM) function of proALPHA allows customers to manage users and access to products operated on the cloud platform, such as proALPHA Home. This means that customers can perform a variety of IAM tasks on their own, which significantly reduces the required amount of support. Customers who migrate to the cloud platform benefit from a single-sign-on function with proALPHA IAM, which means users only have to log in once to gain seamless access to all SaaS applications of proALPHA available today and in the future. 

The highlights of proALPHA IAM:

  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • User administration displays all users within a company including relevant details, and supports administration tasks and bulk imports.
  • Authorization management assigns predefined roles to users and controls access to system functions.
  • Predefined personas define which tiles users can see in proALPHA Home.


"The new release 9.4 of our proALPHA ERP solution and the simultaneous launch of proALPHA Home and proALPHA IAM mark another important step in the expansion of our cloud portfolio. proALPHA Home hence becomes the communication hub for the proALPHA Group portfolio."

Björn Goerke, Chief Technology Officer, proALPHA Group

Full transparency thanks to CRM integration and low-code/no-code functionalities for even more flexible workflows

The connection of GEDYS IntraWare's CRM to proALPHA ERP ensures the seamless synchronization of master data between the ERP and CRM system. This yields a 360° view of customers. The ERP data are transparently displayed in the CRM system by means of the integration widget. As both systems are integrated with each other, process efficiency is increased in sales, marketing and service, which in turn enhances customer service and ultimately increases customer satisfaction. Reports drawing on data from both worlds provide customers with comprehensive insights and information about their current business activities. Customers can achieve significant cost savings thanks to efficient data management (no duplicate data entries) and shorter cycle times.

The new low-code/no-code functionalities allow important secondary processes to be digitalized quickly and uniformly on a standardized platform. This significantly simplifies the configuration, making it possible to dispense with otherwise necessary system modifications.

Artificial intelligence for optimum inventory management

Customers often face the challenge of too high costs due to inefficient operational processes and poor master data quality. proALPHA Connected AI helps them to brush up their master data: as check results can be conveniently imported and efficiently applied using the Data Quality Manager, customers can streamline their processes and achieve cost savings. High master data quality forms the valuable basis for any analysis and evaluation from the ERP system. In inventory management, for instance, proALPHA Connected AI ensures optimum delivery capacities and cost reductions as well as improved cash flow by reducing inventory levels and optimizing KPIs.



We have worked very closely with our customers on a number of new features and have developed suitable solutions for their requirements. This form of co-creation is a key component for us to gain a precise understanding of customer requirements, ensuring maximum customer orientation and, ultimately, higher customer satisfaction."

Otmar Zewald, Senior Vice President Product Management, proALPHA Group

"We have worked very closely with our customers on a number of new features and have developed suitable solutions for their requirements," emphasizes Otmar Zewald, Senior Vice President (SVP) Product Management at the proALPHA Group. "This form of co-creation is a key component for us to gain a precise understanding of customer requirements, ensuring maximum customer orientation and, ultimately, higher customer satisfaction."

Further information about proALPHA ERP 9.4 and the new central functionalities can be found at Release Notes proALPHA ERP 9.4, What's New in proALPHA ERP 9.4, and proALPHA Home.



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